About Me
Hi! My name is Missy Maiorano, and I am a Certified Change Coach with a passion for helping people who struggle with anxiety, fear, or depression related to chronic or acute physical health challenges. I also work with individuals who feel drawn to rediscover their innate peace, freedom, and joy.
A Little Bit About Me
I am a mom to three girls; Megan (25), Taylor (23), and Parker (21). My husband Pete and I live with our German shepherd Lacey in Cary, North Carolina. Our family enjoys trips to Carolina Beach, taking family hikes, and jumping off the Jaws Bridge in Martha’s Vineyard. We recently went sky-diving with the Army Golden Knights!
Before becoming a coach, I taught elementary school and designed curriculum and assessments for major school systems. During the Pandemic, I designed and operated a school for first graders out of my home. It was one of the greatest joys of my teaching career.
I was drawn to coaching after participating in Dr. Amy Johnson’s Little School of Big Change in early 2019. I found Amy when I was suffering with extreme anxiety, panic, and depression related to a long season of chronic hives and idiopathic angioedema. In an attempt to solve the riddle of the hives and swellings, I sought advice from more doctors–both traditional and holistic–than I could count. After a few months living with the diagnosis, I began traditional therapy, EMDR, biofeedback, and other modalities to ease my suffering. While I did find some relief with these, there was still a deep sense that I was not OK. At one point, I cut out all but 9 different foods in an attempt to find the "source" of my hives. As a result, I lost nearly 30 pounds, and my life became a shell of what it had been. I knew there had to be a better way to live.
If you’d like to hear more about my journey through hives, fear, and recovery, I encourage you to listen to my healing story on Amy Johnson’s Changeable Podcast. I also invite you to learn a little more about what I have seen by reading some of my blog posts found here.
Amy’s course provided that “crack in the Matrix” that opened my eyes to an entirely new understanding of who I am at my core, beneath and beyond a lifetime of cultural conditioning. As I spent more time looking in the direction of what is true, stable, and timeless, I found myself less interested in getting rid of my physical symptoms. As the pressure to “get better” faded, something amazing happened. My body finally had the space to do what it had always known how to do. It healed. But that–as it turns out–was just the booby prize. The true gift was seeing that who-I-am is so much more than a collection of concepts, labels, and human constructs.
Today, I tend to live less in my head and more in life. Life itself is so much more joyful and expansive than I ever dreamed possible. Deep down, I know that I am guided moment by moment. No matter what is arising in experience, I am lived.
All information and images are the sole property of Missy Maiorano. © 2022